MachuBot is a multipurpose Discord bot written using Typescript.
- /ping command => Displays the latency of the bot
- /status command => Displays the status of the API the bot is using
- /osu command
- /osu best [username] [1..50] => Displays the best scores for user (default to yourself)
- /osu recent [username] [1..50] => Displays the most recent score for user (default to yourself)
- /osu associate **
** => Associates your osu!
- /crypto command
- /crypto market => Displays the current market value of cryptocurrencies
- /crypto coin **
** **[currency]** => Displays the current value of a cryptocurrency (default to USD)
- /survey command
- /survey create **
** ** ** => Creates a survey with a question and answers (comma separated)
- /survey create **
Screenshots and preview
!ob chocomint
!or WhiteCat